Otley Road Consultation

Otley Road Corridor Sustainability Package Consultation
Wednesday 17 May at 7.00 pm in the Green Hut, Harlow Avenue
Following on from the HAPARA Update distributed on the 23 rd April, you are invited to join an
engagement evening with the North Yorkshire Council’s Area Manager for Highways and
Transportation on the development of a package of sustainable transport measures for the Otley
Road Corridor
North Yorkshire officers will firstly describe the background to this initiative together with available
funding options and invite suggestions from residents about measures that would assist the
objectives of improving capacity, road safety and passenger transport in the context of current and
future developments along the corridor.
HAPARA believes this to be a genuine offer by North Yorkshire Council to listen to and act on the
views of the local community before finalising future plans for the corridor and would urge
interested residents and businesses in the area to take this opportunity contribute. A full record of
the items discussed at the meeting will be made.
Numbers will only be limited by the capacity of the hall, however to assist with arrangements, if you
are planning to come along, please let us know as soon as possible by email to info@hapara.org
