6th June Update


Castle Hill West – 20/01706 (EIAMAJ)
You can view the public comment submitted by HAPARA in respect of the above Outline Planning Application by clicking the following link:-Banks castle Hill CommentsFollowing additional supporting information received by NYC in relation to
Air Quality, Ecology, Highways, and an updated Non-Technical Summary
to the Environmental Impact Statement, the deadline for receipt of comments
has been extended. Should you wish to submit a comment/objection we
would suggest that you do so in advance of the deadline at the end of June

Other recent entries added to the planning portal include the Transport
Assessment specific to this application (19th April) together with Transport
Strategy Part One and Transport Strategy Part Two (both 19th April). The
latter documents relate to the long-awaited Cumulative Transport Assessment
and run to more than 900 pages in total.

A further entry of interest dated 24th May relates to an Otley Road Cycle
Route File Note including proposed design drawings.

HAPARA Information Evening, Wednesday 17th July

As mentioned, documents relating to the Cumulative Transport Assessment
can be viewed via the planning portal, we now await publication of the West Harrogate Infrastructure Delivery Schedule (WHIDS).

In order to assist local residents better understand ramifications associated with these important documents HAPARA plans to hold an Information Evening on Wednesday 17th July in the Green Hut, Harlow Avenue commencing at 07:00pm.

Please note the aforementioned arrangements can only be regarded as
tentative at this stage as we cannot be sure when the WHIDS document
will be published however we will of course confirm details as soon as the
relevant information is to hand.

